Where better to relax in, or Henichesk Arabatskaya direction ? This question is among the top most popular questions for those interested in staying on the Azov Sea . Really interesting question , and it is no simple answer . Yet let us try to answer it as accurately as possible .
— I already asked this question 100 times . And on the phone and in person. As mentioned no definite answer. Everywhere has its pros and cons. We begin our review in geographical order . That is, that we first met — Novoalekseevka , railway station . It does not count. There is no sea , only w / train station . Next — Henichesk .
— Here with Genichesk begin. First, it Henichesk city . Of course a small , very small , but the city . And rest in
Henichesk mainly ( 99%) in the private sector . Of course, some private sector upset (from the word «construction» ) to the size of mini-hotels , mini-resorts , and in some places up to the size of these hotels. But in any case , stay in the city. Let a small , albeit close to the sea , but it’s still a city.
— Of the benefits — the city’s infrastructure ( many cafes , bars, canteens, restaurants , markets, shops, bank, post office, hospital , police, park and recreation , etc.) , the price of accommodation and food ( 10-30 percent on accommodation lower than Arabatskaya direction. prices for products , vegetables and fruits are also a little lower due to the central markets and wholesalers ) , a large number of optional excursions (Crimea, Askaniya Nova) .
— Less is perhaps one — sea and shore worse than Arabatskaya direction. Lower quality , and the sea is not deep near the shore . A child on the beach so at all — » reckless » in the truest sense of the word. Just do not forget about small children , for them is a shallow sea is much safer.
— Now Arabatsky arrow . Naturally , the same , plus or minus , just the opposite . I will not repeat , but I can add to the disadvantages distance to railway offices ( they Henichesk and Novoalekseevka ) , and banks are also only Henichesk . If you need them — have to go to Henichesk , and spend half a day. But — nature, sea , air — all natural.
— Of course, the only advantages or disadvantages do not exist. Choose naturally only you, depending on your requests .