An interesting phenomenon is observed residents and visitors Genichesk sea autumn — Ebb. Or as the locals say — melyaki sea . These phenomena are observed mostly in the fall. Blowing wind that drives the water from the shore to the open sea of Azov . Melyaki appear . Water can move away from the coast too far , 20-30 ( and more) meters.
During low tide , in the early morning by fishermen melyakam roam and seek out in the sand gobies. Fish do not have time to leave the water and buries itself in the sand. Here they go melyakam and collect steers hands. Such are the fishermen , and so that’s their fishing .
However, to see the bullock zaryvshegosya in the sand, too, not just . But the locals keen eye . Main early to come to the sea, and the first to start collecting gobies. Particularly avid begin to collect more in the dark , flashing a flashlight .
Catch, if you can call collect steers hands , basically not much . If you’re lucky — enough time to fry , or as the locals say — » on zharehu enough.» If not, then a justification sounds — » cats enough.» We must somehow justify their long walking on melyakam .
Ebb always happens unexpectedly. And only experienced fishermen can determine the direction and strength of the wind — will ebb or not. They do not even need to go to the bank to verify the correctness. Naturally, they first come to the sea, and always catch the best from them.
Duration tide small , no more than 10-15 hours . If there melyaki morning , the evening will remain pitiful remnants , and the next day the sea will return to his seat.
Arrow on Arabatskaya such phenomena do not happen. Since the sea was deeper than Henichesk . It is understandable — on Arabatskaya arrow Azov Sea, Henichesk — finer Utlyuksky estuary.
Foresee in advance the phenomenon is impossible. It can happen at any time of year, but mostly occurs in the fall . This phenomenon is not a frequent one , maximum two times per season.
Vacationers Henichesk and Arabatskaya direction almost never encounter a similar phenomenon . Although the tide is in the summer , but very, very rarely. But since the summer many tourists constantly bathe in the sea , the fish to the shore is not suitable. Even if the summer and appear melyaki , steers them not lumped .