How much is a vacation on the Sea of Azov on Arabatskaya direction ? Perhaps the most important question after question resolved with vacation spot. The main factor influencing the cost of staying on Arabatskaya direction is the price. Naturally, there is no common grading scale , and each pension , recreation , accommodation, and the private sector expects the price yourself. Of course , taking into account the overall state of the pricing policy in this holiday season .
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. And so, how much stay on the Azov Sea on Arabatskaya direction ? You can add here the question of cost of living in Henichesk , but it’s the same price as in the direction Arabatskaya minus 10-15 percent.
. What factors affect the price of housing for the rest of the sea ? As owners of boarding houses , recreation centers , hotels and private sector form their quotation ?
. The main factors are:
— Focus on the neighbors. Look how much accommodation for holidays in neighboring boarding houses and bases of rest (of course , the private sector is also a concern ) with similar conditions of rest. If similar conditions do not make allowance for the price. Suppose conditions are the same , but you need to go to the sea across the road — reduce the price by 3-5%. The same conditions , but detached house for one , two families — plus 5-10-15 %.
— Relative to the prices of the previous year . This includes natural lifting prices in the whole country . The U.S. dollar — the most important factor . And load current pension , recreation centers, hotels, private sector last year. Is not considered as a whole in the boarding house , and room categories . If the cheapest rooms were fully loaded and empty suites — then raise the price cheap rooms and suites at the price will lower . Just counted and seasonality — early summer , middle, end of the season rest on the Azov Sea on Arabatskaya direction. Congestion in these seasons last year affect prices this year in the same seasonal periods.
— Greatly influenced the development of infrastructure . If you stay in Gengorka this factor is practically stable, for the price of staying in Schastlivtsevo , and especially on holiday in Shooting factor in the development of infrastructure has a big impact . Last year there were buses in Schastlivtsevo or Small Genichesk of how often and how regularly. As early data bus routes opened as late closed route Henichesk — Small . Influenced not only by local bus routes , but also long-distance . Schastlivtsevo Kherson , Zaporozhye Schastlivtsevo — even — Schastlivtsevo Dnepropetrovsk , Kiev Schastlivtsevo ( and there are such ) . To paraphrase a classic , you can see — «Not every bus will arrive at the Shooting .»
. Railway communication plays a not unimportant role. How often are the train to the Crimea , how many extra trains are planning to launch in the summer, which of them stop at the railway station Novoalekseevka ( and, as here , and vice versa) . Do not forget about the trains Zaporozhye and Dnepropetrovsk — Henichesk — Henichesk .
— New-old , the newer furniture, repairs, household equipment , so naturally more expensive . Even television affects the price — room with flat screen TV is more expensive than a room with a TV set .
— Discounts. For resorts and holiday camps and hotels are planned in advance , even before the start of the season . But the private sector in this regard is more flexible . «Battle for the price » goes on throughout the holiday season. Plus the price initially to rest in the private sector the opportunity to laid a small discount , even in the high season . Just need to find a decent excuse to get a discount — » the only constant you rest «, » our recommendations for several families came to you ,» etc.
. As can be seen , the organization of leisure on the Azov Sea on Arabatskaya wise it is not easy . Even the prices are not so easy to make . So please vacationers on Arabatskaya arrow in Henichesk treated with understanding to those who provide you accommodation to stay. Yes, they make money on it , but they are a lot of effort, time and invest in the health organization of rest at sea. If you respect the organizers Vacation Arabatskaya clockwise , then the owners of the private sector and the administration of pensions and lodges you will always go to a meeting that would make your stay on the Azov Sea was the most enjoyable and rewarding for you and your children.